Easy online application.
Admissions are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Born in Quebec...
- Quebec Birth Certificate (long form)
- MELS transcript of marks
- Valid Medicare card and Social Insurance Card
Born in Canada...
- Provincial birth certificate (long form)
- Transcript of marks, Comparative Evaluation for studies done outside of Québec
- Valid Medicare Card and Social Insurance Card
- Proof of Residency: Municipal tax bill or lease (3 consecutive years out of 5 years with bill to match address)
Born Outside of Canada...
- Permanent resident card or Canadian citizenship card or IMM1000 or IMM5292
- Comparative Evaluation for studies done outside of Québec
- Valid Medicare Card and Social Insurance Card
- Passport
- Translated birth certificate (English or French)
- Certificat de Sélection du Québec (CSQ) or Proof of Residency: Municipal tax bill or lease (3 consecutive years out of 5 years with bill to match address)
* If the above documents are not in your name, you need to bring the following:
Attestation Letter OR Marriage Certificate